Taking Back Our Country

Sunday, February 12, 2006

What Does It Take?

The Dubya presidency has been an absolute disaster - not surprising considering Dubya. Dubya is a guy who's been a mediocre student, a draft evader, and a business failure. But he's a Bush and so here we are.

He's on the way to wasting trillions in Iraq, an unnecessary war that we got into based on a lie. The bonus is that it has been amazingly counterproductive; it's squandered our good name with our allies and created new, eager terrorists by the thousands.

He's been busy cutting programs for the needy, including children, seniors, and handicapped people, while cutting taxes for the wealthy.

He's used 9/11 to political advantage, and I've come to the conclusion he and his administration were at least complicit in the commission of that horrible series of events. Do some homework, ask yourself why NORAD did nothing, ask yourself how WTC 7 toppled, really even how the Twin Towers collapsed in the way they did. Ask why no info has been released on who made millions on the off the chart put option trading just before 9/11.

Then there is Katrina, enough said.

Those are the highlights, there is much more. I'll be getting into all that in subsequent posts, as well as keeping up with current news on this corrupt, crooked, and inept administration.

So much of the current situation reminds me of the situation in Germany during the late 30's. Time is running short, and we need to take our country back before it's too late.